A collection of vehicles that have two things in common: they are green and have 3 wheels.


It can't be more green than Tripendo.
Human powered, this vehicle is maybe one of the funniest and comfortable way to move and stay fit.
The combination of speed and safety !
Three-wheelers all have one thing in common - the second front wheel makes them a lot more stable than bicycles or motorbikes. But it doesn´t take long to see the disadvantage: the risk of tipping over means that conventional three-wheelers can only take bends at very moderate speeds

TRIPENDO says goodbye to that old handicap !

Because TRIPENDO combines the static stability of a three-wheeler with the advantages of a conventional two-wheeler: the whole mechanical structure tilts into the curve along with the wheels. The result just has to be experienced:

Extreme stability on bends, however fast you want to go.

Climb onto a machine that is 100% engineered !

To give a comfortable ride, all wheels have sprung suspension. Both front wheels use a double wishbone axle wich provides, at the same time, for parallel inclination of frame and wheels. TRIPENDO looks something out of Formula 1 stable. The driven rear wheel is connected to the frame through a swinging fork.

Official website: http://www.tripendo.com/EDEFAULT.htm

Um comentário:

Nitin Patidar disse...

I actually started to dive in to this topic around 2003, and got painful experiences back then, wasting a lot of time for nothing. I stopped when I did not understand much about it and made myself buried with other things. Now I am back again. Your blog is a great inspiration to me and I can let my older brother know about this.

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